Happy New Year. Postcard
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
How To Convert Jar File To Ipa File
C'aggia ago 'p' field '! - Part II (What will you be?)
However, all the years to dream and imagine a future of creativity later proved to be unnecessary. I'd almost wasted! In fact (and footnote to 'add page unfortunately) my second mother, my fate was sealed: I had to get a diploma. Preferably from an accountant! Any ideas what I had on my mind, whatever they were (in fact neither she nor anyone else could know I always felt ashamed that gave himself as a thief to externalize my aspirations!) I would certainly brought out. The accounting! That means that I'd give you a bright future! Unemployment, for sure. But yes, maybe the mother (which is always the mother) is right. Studying is important. I can not put in what I want: I have a lifeline. Will I also fall back on something else! Five years and do not ask me how because I do not even know I had a diploma from an accountant in his hand. Well, I did everything after high school. Even a modicum of universities: case! (After six years as clerk and have remained unemployed, I also delivered pizzas! And I'm not joking.) But nothing that had anything to do with the double entry! Between ourselves: if I had never edited the company's budget, now I, the holder thereof, the President, Vice President, Chief Executive, the whole board of directors, finance staff all the way down to the receptionists and cleaners, we'd all be in jail for a series of crimes that range from accounting fraud, tax evasion and tax fraud, abuse in official records and fraudulent bankruptcy. Just a sneaky put that rule in the "creative financing" might save us. But who was going to think that someone would have taken only a few years later?
To disgrace, and this is what gives me the most regret not having had even the tiniest possibility of undertaking studies to develop my personal predispositions, I never could and at this point I think I'll ever see, if and how these would be been able to give me a living. And the question becomes more insistent in these recent years, I now see not so kid, because if I look back I consider to have been more appreciated for my accomplishments in advertising, design, as author or co-author of texts and so on. etc.. (Short for that now almost always annoying and almost useless as creativity), which are not as good or mediocre as a clerk in an office! Have you ever tried to think in paradoxes? As absurd? Have you ever surprised to think of something that has happened and ask how it would change your mind, if you had chosen to a fork in the road opposite the one on which you preferred to start you? If you had said or done something different from what you said in fact or reality?
I have.
many times.
And you know what is the problem? The problem is that when those times become too many, the thoughts remain the same, but change the name. They are called

Bel adolescence period, eh? For those who have lived good will was surely the ne plus ultra of life, of course! Not for me. Today I can even call me a fool for not being so clever years ago, to live with a little 'more than philosophy, and added that the maturity age is worse "imbufaliti hormones, but if I could choose to go back not to take advantage of this opportunity. How do I know? Perhaps you could even get worse! I'm not exactly one that could be described as blessed by luck and bad luck has no known limits, I might end up in an alternate reality to the one I had, in which all the laws of Murphy are pitched in my life! No, thanks. Better than nothing. At that time, the most gratifying moments were only those who worked at my favorite pastimes and, needless to say, the majority deal with the radio environment in which I had way to indulge my natural tendency to create. Although they have quickly realized that this was a great passion, I knew very intimately as a child. I had it encoded in DNA. The talk (do not know how many notes I caught in elementary school!), Social relations, the show for his teammates (not Communist!), Songs, and songs, observe and rework (even for the great passion parodies), finding the note comic in every circumstance that opens the way, invent ... dream! The dreamer! That's how I called the teacher! The only one on the last day of the fifth, the day after an examination of the general meeting, during the farewell speech of the teacher was left without batting an eyelash, charming and open-mouthed, lost in his words. I can not remember what I was thinking, but I remember how it was ... well ... as if they were twenty-two years ago (!), the teacher suddenly stopped to tell us what reality was that middle school and told me that if I held on for a while 'I open my mouth you would enter the flies! He went on: "The dreamer! When he published the first book I want a copy with the dedication. " Well, Ada, I can tell you now that you're not gone too far. I'm just a bit 'more disillusioned and angry, but always dream! And, while not publishing, I write as well! Phew, I digress forever! In short, my gray matter has always been a volcano in constant activity and inexhaustible. I always liked to design, build, put together to redo and undo. The Construction! Uuuuh how much I loved playing with building blocks! And those with the character on mica, those of lego so to speak! One where we find the workers, pilots, astronauts ... No, no! Those flat, rectangular and of all colors. We did what I wanted! Although in the end, the form that most often I take the whole, was to ship. And it was always different. So I did not want the "character on" if the ship changed shape, then the little man did not know where to seat them! And to be honest to the end, I've always disliked these men yellow always with a smile, that it is appropriate to say, on your face! Who knows, I might have a future as an architect or an aerospace engineer! Nope! Too little margin for error in the projects! It would have been unpleasant to go to jail for a school designed by me and collapsed on itself or cause the disintegration of a space capsule for a multiplication to decimals wrong!
- " Engineer Daron, the crew of Apollo Creed is dead because of an error! What he has to say in mitigation? "
-" And 'transactions with the point I really do not want to come! .
However, all the years to dream and imagine a future of creativity later proved to be unnecessary. I'd almost wasted! In fact (and footnote to 'add page unfortunately) my second mother, my fate was sealed: I had to get a diploma. Preferably from an accountant! Any ideas what I had on my mind, whatever they were (in fact neither she nor anyone else could know I always felt ashamed that gave himself as a thief to externalize my aspirations!) I would certainly brought out. The accounting! That means that I'd give you a bright future! Unemployment, for sure. But yes, maybe the mother (which is always the mother) is right. Studying is important. I can not put in what I want: I have a lifeline. Will I also fall back on something else! Five years and do not ask me how because I do not even know I had a diploma from an accountant in his hand. Well, I did everything after high school. Even a modicum of universities: case! (After six years as clerk and have remained unemployed, I also delivered pizzas! And I'm not joking.) But nothing that had anything to do with the double entry! Between ourselves: if I had never edited the company's budget, now I, the holder thereof, the President, Vice President, Chief Executive, the whole board of directors, finance staff all the way down to the receptionists and cleaners, we'd all be in jail for a series of crimes that range from accounting fraud, tax evasion and tax fraud, abuse in official records and fraudulent bankruptcy. Just a sneaky put that rule in the "creative financing" might save us. But who was going to think that someone would have taken only a few years later?
To disgrace, and this is what gives me the most regret not having had even the tiniest possibility of undertaking studies to develop my personal predispositions, I never could and at this point I think I'll ever see, if and how these would be been able to give me a living. And the question becomes more insistent in these recent years, I now see not so kid, because if I look back I consider to have been more appreciated for my accomplishments in advertising, design, as author or co-author of texts and so on. etc.. (Short for that now almost always annoying and almost useless as creativity), which are not as good or mediocre as a clerk in an office! Have you ever tried to think in paradoxes? As absurd? Have you ever surprised to think of something that has happened and ask how it would change your mind, if you had chosen to a fork in the road opposite the one on which you preferred to start you? If you had said or done something different from what you said in fact or reality?
I have.
many times.
And you know what is the problem? The problem is that when those times become too many, the thoughts remain the same, but change the name. They are called
Thursday, November 15, 2007
School Spirit Sayings With Candy
C'aggia ago 'p' field '! - Part I (What will you be?)
When I was little I felt again the typical, usual, meaningless question that adults ask children to death, believing that you are talking about this and not with the idiot just as children: "What do you want to be?". What a bore! Here's what I thought he was being delivered Usually, boring, hackneyed, pedantic, "original" question. I was now a slave to impulses that led me to put social phobia: I was terrified by the possibility that, following my parents around, they run into someone you know to whom I would present and that they, having stupid smile as close as all'emiparesi calling card universal approval of the child so I could put the distressing question! Also because I never knew what to say! Besides, I was a child: a seven or eight years what the hell you know how you'd like to get the bread into adulthood!? When I grow up I will put the problem! Maybe I'll start thinking about the first superintendent of schools, maybe when I choose a training course in preparation for the working world! But while playing with the start of construction or appearance bim bam boom I can intrippare the head with a question like that! Only a few years later I began to understand what was the catch: Once when you're not small, no one asked what would you have most wanted to be great! The games have been made, as once the nuts were taken! For example I was fourteen I began to see the world through a completely different that chance, I would most likely able to clarify the ideas on the possible response to be given to whom I had grown the demand of questions ... But no one did more! At that age you perceive your child around in a less certainly, with a critical and a bit of cynicism never experienced before. E 'age witnessed frantic waaay hormones like frightened horses that run without precise goal in your body immersed in change (and what a change!). The age of first loves (and here, I'll specify). Abandoning his childhood, in fact, begin to evaluate what you see and hear about what you like or not, if you hate him or want to be in your future until the earth covers you, in short, you think of the stimuli rather natural that we lead even only by the imagination, where your talent is just venting. Fourteen years on, as I said, I do not remember why or wherefore, I jumped in head the ball acting. Become an actor? I! Thinking about ... If you do not mind I wanted to even the tables, how could I expect to recite the entire script theater!? And let's not hypocrisy: if an actor is not just a summit, if it is really good, recognized as such, followed by a significant result, or if he has the chance to work for the cinema, you may well forget to living with a discreet dignity. Zero = zero money

When I was little I felt again the typical, usual, meaningless question that adults ask children to death, believing that you are talking about this and not with the idiot just as children: "What do you want to be?". What a bore! Here's what I thought he was being delivered Usually, boring, hackneyed, pedantic, "original" question. I was now a slave to impulses that led me to put social phobia: I was terrified by the possibility that, following my parents around, they run into someone you know to whom I would present and that they, having stupid smile as close as all'emiparesi calling card universal approval of the child so I could put the distressing question! Also because I never knew what to say! Besides, I was a child: a seven or eight years what the hell you know how you'd like to get the bread into adulthood!? When I grow up I will put the problem! Maybe I'll start thinking about the first superintendent of schools, maybe when I choose a training course in preparation for the working world! But while playing with the start of construction or appearance bim bam boom I can intrippare the head with a question like that! Only a few years later I began to understand what was the catch: Once when you're not small, no one asked what would you have most wanted to be great! The games have been made, as once the nuts were taken! For example I was fourteen I began to see the world through a completely different that chance, I would most likely able to clarify the ideas on the possible response to be given to whom I had grown the demand of questions ... But no one did more! At that age you perceive your child around in a less certainly, with a critical and a bit of cynicism never experienced before. E 'age witnessed frantic waaay hormones like frightened horses that run without precise goal in your body immersed in change (and what a change!). The age of first loves (and here, I'll specify). Abandoning his childhood, in fact, begin to evaluate what you see and hear about what you like or not, if you hate him or want to be in your future until the earth covers you, in short, you think of the stimuli rather natural that we lead even only by the imagination, where your talent is just venting. Fourteen years on, as I said, I do not remember why or wherefore, I jumped in head the ball acting. Become an actor? I! Thinking about ... If you do not mind I wanted to even the tables, how could I expect to recite the entire script theater!? And let's not hypocrisy: if an actor is not just a summit, if it is really good, recognized as such, followed by a significant result, or if he has the chance to work for the cinema, you may well forget to living with a discreet dignity. Zero = zero money
It 's a bit like those aspiring to writers, complain constantly about the vain search for a publisher that publishes even a shred of story, only to discover that they do not know where home is the subjunctive, have a clear conviction that the papal encyclical is consecutio temporis and that the than the double words are superfluous! No, no, no. "This is all wrong! This is all to remake "Ginettaccio would say (if he were alive!).
Occhèi beautiful dream ... the theater, but at fifteen he was already relegated among the things that I would never, ever made. Whatever I did grow up - I repeated to myself over the years to come - would be something that would have been committed my mind, drawn freely from my ideas, my imagination, my attitude to writing, from my ability to self-irony ... Basically I would like everyone to build on any of my talents properly trained if they had existed some ! Certainly I would not dedicated to anything that had anything to do with mathematics, calculations, statistics or any other occupation that had spared no room for the mind. Nothing that I would have locked up in day-
Occhèi beautiful dream ... the theater, but at fifteen he was already relegated among the things that I would never, ever made. Whatever I did grow up - I repeated to myself over the years to come - would be something that would have been committed my mind, drawn freely from my ideas, my imagination, my attitude to writing, from my ability to self-irony ... Basically I would like everyone to build on any of my talents properly trained if they had existed some ! Certainly I would not dedicated to anything that had anything to do with mathematics, calculations, statistics or any other occupation that had spared no room for the mind. Nothing that I would have locked up in day-
photocopy, in regulations to be followed to the letter, rules to be observed or rigid rules to remember. It goes without saying that many, then, were the hypothetical careers that precluded me (no professional soldier, no chance to banking ambitions, even in the presence of a staff recommendation for no mercy for the stamps and postal clerk from timbretti, no case law, nix factory worker and even outside a factory. What remains? Excluding crafts still repetitive and Midnight Cowboy ... Nothing).
One day a teacher of letters, after so many opportunities to talk (which he liked so much, were his weak point, and that I was an expert at provoking, lengthening the cazzeggiano thus releasing them from those of any Question!) tells me that with all the points read in my themes and ideas expressed in-depth classroom, I would see in a potential well academic career, no less than (ring the bells!) in political economy! SBREEENG! Economics? What the hell are you talking about Willis?!!? I did not know what to say in spite of my thoughts, many crowding in my mind, would want to turn into words an expression of disagreement with quell'illuminante total output of the teacher! I did not know what I wanted to do in the future, but certainly not economics! In short, I was. ... I was ... I was ... What the hell erooooo!? Me: "Prof, who do you pay for ideas, to put someone in the service of his own inspiration?" Prof: "Oh, no, but they are creative! Of poor people who need wait for inspiration to bring to a client a job as it should be! It is said that their idea to be promoted and then choose from those of other creative people who are usually called on "Azz ... what a mess! I was bound to be a poor man, because I felt just a ... I ... I was just ... a creative! Finally I came to know the name to give to my future! A CREATIVE! Woooow!
Location: desert. Framing the total camera dolly (the one on your arm to shoot from above. NdDaron) in long shot for me, all alone. Sound effects: the wind and the chirping of a cricket. Cepuglio a dry, rolling in and out of frame.
And now that I know what they are ...? But above all I'll do it for real ... the creative?
One day a teacher of letters, after so many opportunities to talk (which he liked so much, were his weak point, and that I was an expert at provoking, lengthening the cazzeggiano thus releasing them from those of any Question!) tells me that with all the points read in my themes and ideas expressed in-depth classroom, I would see in a potential well academic career, no less than (ring the bells!) in political economy! SBREEENG! Economics? What the hell are you talking about Willis?!!? I did not know what to say in spite of my thoughts, many crowding in my mind, would want to turn into words an expression of disagreement with quell'illuminante total output of the teacher! I did not know what I wanted to do in the future, but certainly not economics! In short, I was. ... I was ... I was ... What the hell erooooo!? Me: "Prof, who do you pay for ideas, to put someone in the service of his own inspiration?" Prof: "Oh, no, but they are creative! Of poor people who need wait for inspiration to bring to a client a job as it should be! It is said that their idea to be promoted and then choose from those of other creative people who are usually called on "Azz ... what a mess! I was bound to be a poor man, because I felt just a ... I ... I was just ... a creative! Finally I came to know the name to give to my future! A CREATIVE! Woooow!
Location: desert. Framing the total camera dolly (the one on your arm to shoot from above. NdDaron) in long shot for me, all alone. Sound effects: the wind and the chirping of a cricket. Cepuglio a dry, rolling in and out of frame.
And now that I know what they are ...? But above all I'll do it for real ... the creative?
Continue .
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sheepskin Masterbation
Excellent! Excellence ...
Let me be clear, I would not give the impression of being an anti-clerical, one sees that if you touch a priest, one who is against the church before against taxes. And far be it from me even the intent to revisit the "deeds" of the comic and Luciana most famous of Italy, with a few stinging words, in a speech that is always the same way: "Emineeens !....", directs one of the main characters of this post, lightning and thunderbolts cleverly concealed behind texts of enormous power and subtlety comic. I would not be even capable of! Among other things I consider myself Christian faith and respect for moderately secular habits, but this has nothing to do with the meaning and intent of this post. I'm just one who, among other things, it looks very. Notes and occasionally critical. Except this time. Today I just observation. It seems to me obvious: Cardinal Priest of St. Agnes Outside the Walls, former vicar general of Pope Benedict XVI for the diocese of Rome, archpriest of the Lateran Basilica and Papal Chancellor of the Pontifical Lateran University Camillo Ruini and Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns is ... were separated at birth!
Excellent! Excellence ...
Excellent! Excellence ...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Rendering I7 Vs. Xeon
Reconstruction. Standby
Yesterday, September 29 ... Sitting in that cafe, I was not thinking about you ... (It is worth mentioning!)
Break over. E 'life so much. No, you do not have to start counting from the date of the post titled "Standby", but some facts of my life I have deeply affected. After many warnings, years of adrenaline to dry, anxieties and concerns, what should happen is inevitable happened. And it happened regardless, just as it is, my tears and my despair. Since that day nearly three years ago, everything changed. E 'changed my "about" has changed my life, the feelings have changed, I have intentionally given a clean cut to cancers that infect my life and I especially have changed. And not a little. One day I asked why so much masochism: anyone who wanted to come into my life in any way, could. Space had any human being with a brain! Bad rip-off the purchase at face value: only after you realize that the fact itself of the presence of a brain, it does not logically imply a proactive use by the keeper! And then you find yourself surrounded by some good people and so many idiots that anything more than what you already have, they can make to your life. Sure, I have always been to give someone, from time to time but very rarely ever, access to the private rooms of my soul and my being, but many remain outside. Many have thought I knew And if you were talking about me abusing the word "friend". Who is that? A friend. A friend? But as a friend? If you knew what you really think! The fact that you will not raging, it's always polite and does not deny you almost never a favor, do not make me a friend! Only someone who does not want to punish him. So I stay silent. If you are around me, I do not complain and do not avoid it, but do not force me to take, and only in large doses. One day a few years ago, I woke up and I realized that my diplomacy, actually had another name: pure hypocrisy. It 'was just so I changed course in a flash: being able to do without some awkward presence, I made out. But what I was doing now was better than I did in that period of "cleansing of idiots"? In short, I was quite sure that in these years that I believed to have made peace with my conscience, what really had happened?
After that horrible day three years ago, I have done nothing but hide behind fake smiles and apparent well-being, but in reality I never really tried to get better. I just made some feeble attempt to recapture some private space, lost years before, in the belief that everything else would come by itself. Ah, how were wrong not to show anyone the true face of your suffering! And yes he still had some good friends! Who knows why, though, you have always been one of your bickering that has never advertised. It all started going downhill, self-esteem and serenity to dig to be a faint memory, perhaps even children. As things have happened since then. All dealt with the false smile of one who brought along a bag too heavy, but that does not even want to share with those who ask if you need a hand. Down, down, down, down, up to the entrance of the famous no return.
The "standby", I realize now, is lasted three years. Only a few weeks ago, I paused the brain, and cleared up reassessing priorities. There are things you see as indispensable, but with the mind less clouded you realize that if there were not all remain unchanged. In fact, maybe you'd be even better! So all quell'affanno similar useless to hold on tight, it was absolutely a waste of resources when most needed, instead, to use more profitably, with all the consequences psychophysical easily imaginable.
I went back to confront new challenges and others that I have brought into play. Other projects now "at risk" of not remaining in the container of disordered thoughts of a mind that fatigue back into line.
Back again to speak and write in this virtual space, he too often silent partner of sleepless nights spent reading and fuck without a goal. What a pity I do! I go back and do it on tiptoe, still not to disturb anyone.
Break over. E 'life so much. No, you do not have to start counting from the date of the post titled "Standby", but some facts of my life I have deeply affected. After many warnings, years of adrenaline to dry, anxieties and concerns, what should happen is inevitable happened. And it happened regardless, just as it is, my tears and my despair. Since that day nearly three years ago, everything changed. E 'changed my "about" has changed my life, the feelings have changed, I have intentionally given a clean cut to cancers that infect my life and I especially have changed. And not a little. One day I asked why so much masochism: anyone who wanted to come into my life in any way, could. Space had any human being with a brain! Bad rip-off the purchase at face value: only after you realize that the fact itself of the presence of a brain, it does not logically imply a proactive use by the keeper! And then you find yourself surrounded by some good people and so many idiots that anything more than what you already have, they can make to your life. Sure, I have always been to give someone, from time to time but very rarely ever, access to the private rooms of my soul and my being, but many remain outside. Many have thought I knew And if you were talking about me abusing the word "friend". Who is that? A friend. A friend? But as a friend? If you knew what you really think! The fact that you will not raging, it's always polite and does not deny you almost never a favor, do not make me a friend! Only someone who does not want to punish him. So I stay silent. If you are around me, I do not complain and do not avoid it, but do not force me to take, and only in large doses. One day a few years ago, I woke up and I realized that my diplomacy, actually had another name: pure hypocrisy. It 'was just so I changed course in a flash: being able to do without some awkward presence, I made out. But what I was doing now was better than I did in that period of "cleansing of idiots"? In short, I was quite sure that in these years that I believed to have made peace with my conscience, what really had happened?
After that horrible day three years ago, I have done nothing but hide behind fake smiles and apparent well-being, but in reality I never really tried to get better. I just made some feeble attempt to recapture some private space, lost years before, in the belief that everything else would come by itself. Ah, how were wrong not to show anyone the true face of your suffering! And yes he still had some good friends! Who knows why, though, you have always been one of your bickering that has never advertised. It all started going downhill, self-esteem and serenity to dig to be a faint memory, perhaps even children. As things have happened since then. All dealt with the false smile of one who brought along a bag too heavy, but that does not even want to share with those who ask if you need a hand. Down, down, down, down, up to the entrance of the famous no return.
The "standby", I realize now, is lasted three years. Only a few weeks ago, I paused the brain, and cleared up reassessing priorities. There are things you see as indispensable, but with the mind less clouded you realize that if there were not all remain unchanged. In fact, maybe you'd be even better! So all quell'affanno similar useless to hold on tight, it was absolutely a waste of resources when most needed, instead, to use more profitably, with all the consequences psychophysical easily imaginable.
I went back to confront new challenges and others that I have brought into play. Other projects now "at risk" of not remaining in the container of disordered thoughts of a mind that fatigue back into line.
Back again to speak and write in this virtual space, he too often silent partner of sleepless nights spent reading and fuck without a goal. What a pity I do! I go back and do it on tiptoe, still not to disturb anyone.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Jonathan Toews Rookie Material Card
only my fault. NO

I was reprimanded for hiding from my blog and for the rare updates. I can only feel sorry for a lot of opposition generated by my carelessness! A friend of mine would say that this is an "unorthodox behavior"! When I opened this space, I had not make clear what I wanted. Until then I had been a blog that he read, from time to time commented on the post that the more he liked it or passionate about, but it all ended there. Yes, then it is also true that I made more than one virtual friendship in this way, journalists, students, idlers, students, musicians, dee jays, photographers, balancing (no kidding!) ... So I knew if I may say so a lot of people, and this more than any other was my goal. In the beginning I wanted to make an audioblog! And now: a blog to listen to than to read: I have always communicated as much with your voice for radio, from a stage, on TV as a voiceover ... Everything this clash with my pathological shyness! With the project dell'audioblog, I had gone to his head many ideas, but I have not found anywhere blogging services in audio, so I thought that was a limitation only communicate with the voice, the rest I've always written so much, never having kept a diary. "For what?" I always thought. However, with all the possibilities that the statement offers us could not confine myself to a single street. I've always written so much, I said, and I did most of the time at night, surrounded by the silence broken only by a few cars passing by on the street. So I jumped on his head the idea of \u200b\u200bradionotte, which in My intentions was to be a way to express myself as I had always done in every way and without restrictions. A place to communicate my passions and my thoughts without necessarily having to share my life with anyone in its entirety. But above all, without obligations such as daily update: no longer a pleasure but an obligation and commitments I have enough already! Also because my life "true", it takes me (as it should be) a long time and I knew from the beginning that I would not have it in abundance to devote to the blog. In fact, it was also why I always refrain from creating one. Then you know, the things that always begin taking shape As we pursue that and because of me, my blog could not be like me, always late, incomplete, very thoughtful and when you decide to open your mouth is maybe a bit 'too talkative.
It 's true: I update this little virtual space and this makes it look neglected, unkempt. I had to think of it as a person, I would say they were facing a man about forty years old, unshaven, unkempt hair graying and perhaps (too much stress!), Which attempts to shorten those hairs on your face for too long but can not find two minutes to do it. Do you know how many times, and always with the best intentions, I set out to write a post and I left in the middle? Almost as many are those in which I thought of a post to write, I built in my mind and then I did not write! No doubt they are to be considered valid even all those times when the phone rang and I was kept busy talking for an hour (I hate the phone too long to respond if they are down or even angry, if I have not phoned have been answered, now you know why), they rang the doorbell and someone (certainly not me!) opened the goddamn door to people who may not even want to see! Etc., etc. so forth all the possible distractions of this world! At the end of this corner virtual hidden to most people, you has also revealed a good safety valve. Credit where credit! But nothing beats the embrace of someone in the flesh of which really care who comes to visit you at home, or real contact with the world is out there.
Therefore my absence and my tendency to prefer the real to virtual, have always taken precedence. This for me is yet another period of change. Until a few months ago I decided to change the city. To walk away from what I liked and I could not bear. I should not so much about the past: what I do not like or can not stand is still there to make a fine show! Many have asked me what I was running away from. From anything and everything, I think. He would not be purely an escape. Rather than a deep desire for regeneration, but more like a necessity. Indeed, first of all a necessity. Topping the list of enemies you always: dissatisfaction. When you know to be worth more than you would have us believe, when joining the battle which then become real wars, when every day you have to deal with packs of jackals, but at the end of the month, the only accounts that do not return are those of t'incazzi cash ... then yes! Well, it happened to me just that. The constant banging my head always on the same walls of the indifference of others, the opportunism of those who believe friend, insensitivity rampant among those who had thought it was someone else, the hypocrisy of those who had introduced himself as crystal ... This, unfortunately, it hurt me so much and devoted more attention than I wanted. Never before in recent months (or maybe years, and I'm waking up just now) I thought I lost friends and friends! For my will, in most cases, or will of others, what matters is that I was hurt and disappointed by the behavior of surface too often people for whom I would have moved mountains and have not proven worthy of my esteem! But what is the meaning of friendship? What sense does it feel united by something invisible and magical if it takes so little because your world you go crazy and turn your back? What sense does it start at any time of day or night to listen to those who hold, or to collect her tears in a bucket, then if the result of all your "give" is a kick in the ass? But is not the fault of others! The blame if any, is only mine! I let them do what they did! And then you change the next stop and fuck all. Then, somehow or for some reason, he closed the door behind you, you'll start new ones. So it's true that the assertion of the! Okay, change your mind again: do not start anymore. But it will be wise and try again, to insist and insist, and insist? What would you have done? I, perhaps because I am in Chicago or for mere convenience, I decided to give yet another chance at this lousy place to give me wrong. If I need confirmation ... will still be my fault.
Nor is it more the case for anyone to wish good night: it's almost dawn! But how can you abandon the rite of radionotte? He lit the cigarette farewell, here you must say "good night"!
convertible, if you read this post, before you eat me alive I want to inform you that I have not forgotten you. I managed to read the beginning of your novel a few days ago! :-)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Espresso Measurements
pedophile pride for the day!

23 June: World Day pedophile pride.
Yes, you read correctly, will be held June 23 World Day pedophile pride, all the pedophiles of the world will light a blue candle. A symbolic gesture to remember the pedophile jailed because - as they say - "victims of discrimination, unfairly restrictive laws to emphasize the love we feel for the children" (boyloveday international). These people (if it is right to indicate that) also have their own websites and is not an illegal site, does not contain pornography, Indeed these men are committed to convince their readers to act in good, of wanting to differentiate from criminals, those who commit violent acts, who forces the children, the children, saying that they love them. Interesting gallery, where even Santa Claus is shown like a pedophile, even where it shows a too loving priest in the company of a boy: it shows a clear desire to appear perfectly normal and not as a sexual perversion, to example, participate in an orgy, or pursue a relationship between an adult and a minor. This is nothing new: they are 8 years that this day exists, that this site is on line, the indifference of all the international bodies. E 'was also requested UN intervention, but everything has remained as it is. Now started a petition, were written three pages on this day, in which the police post explains why you can not close the site. http://www.epolisroma.it/ http://www.poliziadistato.it/pds/primapagina/pedofilia/index.htm
This is the first answer to this day: a candlelight vigil in Palermo against pedophilia . The Association for Social Mobilization of Palermo, calls blocked all websites that somehow give voice and space to pedophilia. Institutions should take a firm stance considering also the only crime online promotion of this vile market.
A firm "NO" against the "International Day pedophile pride." Let us join forces for something positive. Do sign the petition to be presented to UNICEF and the Hon. Frattini. name and surname 3391819641oppurenome sms via mail italia@epolis.sm
Yes, you read correctly, will be held June 23 World Day pedophile pride, all the pedophiles of the world will light a blue candle. A symbolic gesture to remember the pedophile jailed because - as they say - "victims of discrimination, unfairly restrictive laws to emphasize the love we feel for the children" (boyloveday international). These people (if it is right to indicate that) also have their own websites and is not an illegal site, does not contain pornography, Indeed these men are committed to convince their readers to act in good, of wanting to differentiate from criminals, those who commit violent acts, who forces the children, the children, saying that they love them. Interesting gallery, where even Santa Claus is shown like a pedophile, even where it shows a too loving priest in the company of a boy: it shows a clear desire to appear perfectly normal and not as a sexual perversion, to example, participate in an orgy, or pursue a relationship between an adult and a minor. This is nothing new: they are 8 years that this day exists, that this site is on line, the indifference of all the international bodies. E 'was also requested UN intervention, but everything has remained as it is. Now started a petition, were written three pages on this day, in which the police post explains why you can not close the site. http://www.epolisroma.it/ http://www.poliziadistato.it/pds/primapagina/pedofilia/index.htm
This is the first answer to this day: a candlelight vigil in Palermo against pedophilia . The Association for Social Mobilization of Palermo, calls blocked all websites that somehow give voice and space to pedophilia. Institutions should take a firm stance considering also the only crime online promotion of this vile market.
A firm "NO" against the "International Day pedophile pride." Let us join forces for something positive. Do sign the petition to be presented to UNICEF and the Hon. Frattini. name and surname 3391819641oppurenome sms via mail italia@epolis.sm
So far, what I just copied from the site www.controlapedofilia.com .
What I think I will, regardless of whether he eventually acceded to the petitions on the Internet, which has lit a candle virtual etc., from various organizations outside of torchlight parades or several, as you know, do not solve problems of ideology, if they can figure something against a phenomenon that has its roots in the ground of mental illness! But, you know how: If you hold to a principle and want to defend or promote a cause, it is better to be missing. I am against the death penalty and always have been: neither one nor one hundred men can decide life or death of another man. Yes, even though the latter has in turn decided criminally life or death of someone else. It is unthinkable that this takes place either in one way or another! Hammurabi And I think he died somewhere millennium! Furthermore, it seems more reasonable that a criminal serving a sentence that left him in life ... suffering. Oops! I said it! I know, perhaps wishing that someone is suffering, it is worse than wanting to death, but what can I say? Often the paradoxes of life relate to ourselves, our minds, our thoughts and how we address them, but do not realize it! This time I'll pretend not to notice my contradiction.
Yet I must confess to having thought sometimes. Perhaps even more than once: "Pedophiles should all be made out." Both remain in custody there and when they leave under their clutches spend who knows how many other helpless children, who will lose forever their innocence and carefree, the enthusiasm of children, their smiles and their naivety. Will not trust most of the vast wonders of life and that this would be a pleasure, if it were not for the actions of a sick freak of a disease as incurable as I know. I do not ever take away from any head pedophilia is a disease, a serious mental disorder, a diversion, the most disgusting and cruel mental deviation that may exist! I've said it before and I had the opportunity to express my position in the blogs of other users: pedophilia should not be a crime with the possibility of enforcement of the child! Pedophilia should not even be considered a crime as any other violence, child abuse is a crime! A crime punishable by as much strength as possible! And I will stop here: I do not want neither to exaggerate, or write things that may hurt the sensibilities of those who could read them. I am against the death penalty, yes, I am much in favor of protecting those who can not defend themselves.
What I think I will, regardless of whether he eventually acceded to the petitions on the Internet, which has lit a candle virtual etc., from various organizations outside of torchlight parades or several, as you know, do not solve problems of ideology, if they can figure something against a phenomenon that has its roots in the ground of mental illness! But, you know how: If you hold to a principle and want to defend or promote a cause, it is better to be missing. I am against the death penalty and always have been: neither one nor one hundred men can decide life or death of another man. Yes, even though the latter has in turn decided criminally life or death of someone else. It is unthinkable that this takes place either in one way or another! Hammurabi And I think he died somewhere millennium! Furthermore, it seems more reasonable that a criminal serving a sentence that left him in life ... suffering. Oops! I said it! I know, perhaps wishing that someone is suffering, it is worse than wanting to death, but what can I say? Often the paradoxes of life relate to ourselves, our minds, our thoughts and how we address them, but do not realize it! This time I'll pretend not to notice my contradiction.
Yet I must confess to having thought sometimes. Perhaps even more than once: "Pedophiles should all be made out." Both remain in custody there and when they leave under their clutches spend who knows how many other helpless children, who will lose forever their innocence and carefree, the enthusiasm of children, their smiles and their naivety. Will not trust most of the vast wonders of life and that this would be a pleasure, if it were not for the actions of a sick freak of a disease as incurable as I know. I do not ever take away from any head pedophilia is a disease, a serious mental disorder, a diversion, the most disgusting and cruel mental deviation that may exist! I've said it before and I had the opportunity to express my position in the blogs of other users: pedophilia should not be a crime with the possibility of enforcement of the child! Pedophilia should not even be considered a crime as any other violence, child abuse is a crime! A crime punishable by as much strength as possible! And I will stop here: I do not want neither to exaggerate, or write things that may hurt the sensibilities of those who could read them. I am against the death penalty, yes, I am much in favor of protecting those who can not defend themselves.
It 'also true that I do not think too much of torchlight, but I only ask to sign the petition at the link which I reproduce below ... Why is it always best to be there. www.epolis.sm / html / fermiamo_gli_orchi.html
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Watch South Park Free On Ipod Touch
Mali and extreme.
Madooo ... We also wanted the heat of summer ... in May! I can not stand the ideological extremism, much less on climate! It 'a long time that I try an acceptable balance of life without results worthy of note. Some people had to go with one foot above the likely to understand that his fears were not entirely unfounded, and unfortunately we went there who was without fault. More details. When you accumulate for too long (really long time!), After too unpleasant facts to be remembered, after the guilt for something they can no longer put a piece, after having suffered a difficult position, tight, irritating, frustrating, unsatisfactory, we reach a limit unknown. We must touch it to understand that the "probable" is just around the corner and not miles away. When it happens, dangerously, the ability to control it vaporizes. This requires that you ethics, everything you suggested respect for someone who loves you so you can count to one hundred before you open your mouth, with the inevitable clash is going to happen. You can not do anything to change events. It 's a volcano erupting, a pressure cooker exploding. An explosion of mixed emotions, a storm of thoughts that do not control, and while you are crowded in head one after another at incredible speeds, you're still not repenting of what you cried. The throat hurts as you've already cried not to hear another word from anyone else. I do not vomit any more and the world with a fury that you would never assigned as a tornado and take away everything that is on the road of your claims! When you reach that limit, a moment before, any wrong word, vaguely sarcastic, of rebuke, a word that maybe it is not free but you seems, is a spark in a chamber saturated with gas. Then the rest of madness, sorrow and fear for being on the edge, hanging from a railing to twenty meters high. Really a step beyond the limit of no return. You can apologize, chase and take her by the arm who's giving up your single moment out of control, perhaps for being too controlled throughout life, but something broke. You've been holding out until you could not break that thing, but in a moment of lucidity before the vent on the reality of a total reasons given, the only one, at that moment gives you a pat on the shoulder: If those of you not face the problem of hurt you can not keep never swear potentially harmful, why should you? And 'as inevitable and even sudden that overwhelms you that you can not control it, crushes you, it passes over your being and your dignity. And then? Alright? Vent and away? Maybe! Do not go so soon. It does not take a day or even in a week. But when the fear of arriving with your legs and your will to that threshold and have also opened the door, he calms down and gives way to reason about what has happened, you see many things that you did not see either. It 's true, if you're lucky, the reason resumed its place, if not ... And it is the memory of the panic experienced in the doorway to give you a sense of everything. When you see the flames for that split second and you can not fall into it, all you see is given after it was appreciated as a beautiful and irreplaceable gift. E 'life years and deteriorated. You have reached the bottom. You will be healed or is it a distraction?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Brazilian Wax Unedited
Again on-air
So here we are with the new-new computerino . We thought Gigio to assemble and I have to say that he has done a great job. I must also thank you very much for lending me his laptop for all this time! I will know be thankful. Just rearranged my duty to work station, I'll start to care more about this small area of \u200b\u200bsocial amenities and, weather permitting, return with more regularity and visit my blogger friends! Promised.
today from what has been raining seemed to be back in the winter and the soundtrack that accompanied me in this past Sunday a few hours, was "November" of Virginia. Usually the rain makes me melancholy, and given my tendency to sadness, this time the heat has comforted me, I have been very helpful: I enjoyed the arrival of spring weather. I was afraid even a single flash of cold or a temporary cloud! Instead, contrary to what I would have expected, it was still nice to see the rain. But just now, eh ... We all need spring.
As usual it is night. But what can I do? My ideas fail to take shape and a specific order if not at this time! The broadcasts resumed. I light my cigarette bedtime and in the meantime, the hope for you. Goodnight everyone.
Summary of previous episodes: after several system crashes on your pc the now venerable age of nearly six years, Daron, in pursuit of a more efficient car, he decided to use the 'two computer hardware, taking the best parts of both to assemble a working. It is addressed to a laboratory so that (intentionally or not) fails to inform the exorbitant cost of evaluation. Daron's refusal to pay that sum which had not been previously informed, the workshop continues with an arrogance arbitrary seizure of the computer. Gives rise to a dispute that has dragged on for three months, in which after an attempt to retrieve the empty computer, Daron do is bring the matter to the attention of a judge who objects to the correctness of the laboratory and the allegedly improper if not illegal freezing assets. He spent three weeks without any result, the court seemed to be the only solution feasible. Two months later (damn Italian bureaucracy!), Another judge (a woman tender and gentle as a pissed off snake) has the drawback of PC, suggesting a compromise for the acceptance of which, two of the laboratory will not require the compensation is not agreed Daron and give up legal costs incurred. Leaving the courtroom, the parties discuss peacefully a few minutes about what happened, sure to happen again either does not like an adventure!
So here we are with the new-new computerino . We thought Gigio to assemble and I have to say that he has done a great job. I must also thank you very much for lending me his laptop for all this time! I will know be thankful. Just rearranged my duty to work station, I'll start to care more about this small area of \u200b\u200bsocial amenities and, weather permitting, return with more regularity and visit my blogger friends! Promised.
today from what has been raining seemed to be back in the winter and the soundtrack that accompanied me in this past Sunday a few hours, was "November" of Virginia. Usually the rain makes me melancholy, and given my tendency to sadness, this time the heat has comforted me, I have been very helpful: I enjoyed the arrival of spring weather. I was afraid even a single flash of cold or a temporary cloud! Instead, contrary to what I would have expected, it was still nice to see the rain. But just now, eh ... We all need spring.
As usual it is night. But what can I do? My ideas fail to take shape and a specific order if not at this time! The broadcasts resumed. I light my cigarette bedtime and in the meantime, the hope for you. Goodnight everyone.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Anbesol Gel While Pregnant
I prepare for the resumption of broadcasts.
With a little 'patience, we got ... Tomorrow morning, at last I know if I am right in my stance. I will return the pc? Or am I wrong and I have to pay those accused of bad faith? In all cases, we will create a precedent.
No, not legal! My staff!
been there. More to follow!
With a little 'patience, we got ... Tomorrow morning, at last I know if I am right in my stance. I will return the pc? Or am I wrong and I have to pay those accused of bad faith? In all cases, we will create a precedent.
No, not legal! My staff!
been there. More to follow!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Clf 2- Valence Electrons
TRANSMISSION resume the service as' SOON

It 's amazing! When you put the bad luck of commitment, bites you and does not give up until you feel the bone under the teeth. I am one who breaks rather than bow and thank goodness I am so, otherwise I would have done many more times than overwhelming success both by events and by so many people! But yell and scream, "That's disgusting!" even stronger now! I do not have my pc. 'm Happily using a borrowed from a friend really great! I'm PC but is more unstable psyche Calderoli! Do not I can do it! What happened to my pc? E 'detained along with another of my property, by a laboratory which does not take the piss as he would like, as I never allowed anyone! E 'is lawful or not lawful for me if I shoot a cost exorbitant to move two (and I repeat two) pieces of hardware, I decided not to let you do the job and wants me back via the two computers? I think it is legitimate. It is not justifiable, however, that when I bring the two pc and I say that if it is not convenient I could give up to do the work, omits to tell you that whatever I decide, before returning via my PC, I'll still pay you a redemption fine of € 30.00 uretti (25 + VAT) for not doing ... absolutely NOTHING! Everything pisses me off like a dragon! ! I will see how the situation evolves and only if "victory" achieved resume ... my regular broadcasts. Even with this pc because I'm a caged lion provisional: if I continue to use it on him I could vent the frustration caused by the power of its processor and snip RAM crevello smaller than a fly! Then having to pay for new, I'm not overly sfagiola. Why do I understand my level of exasperation, if I ask him to complete a task that goes beyond the control of the e-mail, often forcing me to restart the plant, if you do not plant begins to not recognize the modem , the external drive, family and even she forgets his name and disconnects all the time! Another week and so I leave my head, I am even more angry and end up around the city to bite the bumpers of cars with nurses following the neuro! But not before he had gone to free from captivity, my two PCs with a blitz worthy of the best team of heads of leather (I said LEATHER !!)... so, then I could always appeal to the temporary insanity!
For now ... we apologize for the interruption.
Monday, January 22, 2007
How Much Does Expert Choice Software
Yes That's right: they are the only two words that come to mind when I describe the last ten days! When it starts to turn wrong then, is not so easy to end up in no time!
My pc not is able to be considered such. For now I use a lent and on maybe, if you make matches in two pieces a bit by taking a ' a bit from one to the' other ! I'll have to buy a new pc or I'll drop everything and relocate? Of course I'm drastic eh? A middle way, like repairing things that work poorly, right? True: if I had to change cities every time I was wrong about something, the removal firms would be enriched only with me. What I'm trying though, is a shock that for once do not come from an outlet! I'm sick of too many things. Who knows, maybe this is not the right time. I thought I rotate the head moving mass without stand: it is not actual confusion. Rather it is an "overflow of ideas and projects that wish only to be realized. One at a time please!! The most tragic thing lately, is that they dissatisfaction and consequent incazzatura to give me the impetus to act. There should be feelings of passion, love what you create, such as optimism, perseverance, and desire to grow? But can you?
Yuck ...

Yes That's right: they are the only two words that come to mind when I describe the last ten days! When it starts to turn wrong then, is not so easy to end up in no time!
My pc not is able to be considered such. For now I use a lent and on maybe, if you make matches in two pieces a bit by taking a ' a bit from one to the' other ! I'll have to buy a new pc or I'll drop everything and relocate? Of course I'm drastic eh? A middle way, like repairing things that work poorly, right? True: if I had to change cities every time I was wrong about something, the removal firms would be enriched only with me. What I'm trying though, is a shock that for once do not come from an outlet! I'm sick of too many things. Who knows, maybe this is not the right time. I thought I rotate the head moving mass without stand: it is not actual confusion. Rather it is an "overflow of ideas and projects that wish only to be realized. One at a time please!! The most tragic thing lately, is that they dissatisfaction and consequent incazzatura to give me the impetus to act. There should be feelings of passion, love what you create, such as optimism, perseverance, and desire to grow? But can you?
Yuck ...
Monday, January 15, 2007
How Much Is The Marlin 30 30
good start ...

bastard this first month of 2007, just arrived in the middle, but that has already given me too much trouble! And if good morning starts in the morning ... Problems with the car, problems with pc (someone tell me why in December and since then periodically after reinstalling the operating system, the computer does not restart one day longer, it will notify the missing or damaged file system config \\ system32 and so on !!!!? ???), problems at home ... Something is missing the call? In the words of Igor in "Young Frankenstein" ... "It could be worse!" for example? "It could start raining !"... Well, I already hear the echo of thunder that I'm not bode well! I had thought I heard on TV and read on some newspaper that my astrological sign, together with that of the Taurus, were the favorites this year! I wonder what would happen if you do not were! Branko at the stake!
Two Sundays ago I went with Gigi at the airport to make Dolly, who was returning from Milan. Gigi thought was a friend of mine, I discovered in fact, be my Igor! Distance from my city to the airport: 70 Km A few meters away from Metro and so there we took the opportunity to go to see the handhelds (Gigio was really sick of having to fight with an old Nokia 3310 which did not take more charge!). Everyone really beautiful! It lacked only one with built-in microwave oven and a helicopter and plenty of choice would be the apex. For a modest expenditure, however, you must send to the traditional ones (you say anything): small computer system with Windows XP, with which you can really do anything. Gigio, dazzled by a handheld color silver, retractable pen, which confirms the availability of time and make their own bookings for the B & B, bought it and if it is unplugged! I'm not trusting an inanimate object that makes me doubt my own free will, I preferred to decline the invitation of the tempter and screaming angry, suspended a few inches on my right shoulder. Distance Metro - Airport: 500 meters. While driving, I trim a song on the radio hip hop bad that I do not like the genre, I did not even want to hear. Gigio has its work cut (!!), in an attempt to understand why if off the handheld this continues unperturbed to report them with three flashing lights of different colors, in order: the presence of the network, and low battery status stadby system ... Machine are virtually alone. To console me I think I shall take advantage to pay more attention to driving. At one point, however, are inevitably distracted by a smell that I feel a sudden, unfamiliar and not too good wishes! But who knows me knows I am obsessed with smell smell anything while I drive and I think the engine that goes up in flames! As I always say "Do you smell that smell? Mica We will not be us!" Gigi: "But nooo! You are always the same, I do not feel anything ... And then they would be on for a few light on the context, no? ". will be spent perhaps 15 seconds from this logical deduction, and here's a nice red wake up from her long sleep and appear to my eyes in disbelief in all its glory and even frightening presence! By now we were in the parking lots of 'airport and I could stop myself. God only knows how much I thanked him for this concession in the middle of the sea of \u200b\u200bshit that I saw already caught between its eddies, along with my car engulfed in flames! desperation I open the hood: I had not even with me a packet of fusilli, otherwise I would have joined the hunger and bad luck in the water that was boiling I should just add salt! It seemed to me to open the door to a sauna so was the white smoke that was freed from somewhere .. . And now? One thousand and two hundred and one questions on all: because the water temperature so high it was not turned on the cooling fan? Why this? Why is that other? Gigio And where is he?? It 's my dearest friend who would let me take the path of reason in this moment of panic and bewilderment! No. He is sitting on the passenger seat to discover the infinite potential and capabilities of its new handheld still reports that the short battery life, but that still is not dead! My self-control but yes he's dead! What prevents my anger to explode is represented only by a sense of utter dejection that permeates every part of my being. Let Sfreddo the engine ... maybe it's just a blown fuse or a flaw (I hope). Gigio Dolly goes to retrieve the domestic arrivals and I'm left to lick the wounds of my suffering child. Shit that's cold! - I think as I wait for their arrival. I almost regret not having gone with him! Meanwhile, they also expose my brain to fusion temperatures to search for a solution to this trouble to 70 miles from home. After some time I see them like a mirage in the desert, come with carrying a white plastic cup ... A cup of coffee ... for me! Gigio kept him, but he had thought about Dolly: I had no doubt about it! Red light off: we leave. We have time to make a few kilometers to 'bitch is back to smile as the IT without a balloon clown, from the instrument panel! We have to stop again as my anathemas now invade the whole district. But here Gigio, reconnect with reality, save the day with a simple phone call. We were stopped once fatally in a strategically valuable: the space in front of the huge stable of a transport company, on the outskirts of a country where he had relatives who could help us out! I, however, for not knowing how to read nor write, had alerted some of my contacts in the phone book, trying to go for broke, just to bring the car home. At one point I found myself surrounded by people who phoned in Speaking by phone with his cousin Gigio who tried to find a mechanic friend of his and the other phone that rang in my pocket. Dolly who spoke with her fiance in Milan and Gigi with her aunt that there was already invited to dine with his " fresh fresh fish soup! At that moment I would go down even a breadstick! After half an hour in the distance we see the tiny figure of the aunt who came to rescue us. In the minutes after, one after the other, I saw fading chances of being helped by some of my contacts: who was not there, who was asleep (it was 22), who was too far away ... Not to leave the car in the road, we managed to reach her aunt's house, which at least would be safe and at the same time, yielding to the insistence of the aunt herself, to put something in the stomach. I had really no desire to eat, but the coffee never say no. Then when I try it with chocolate pandoro ...!!!
It 's true: I did not just Sunday, but the end result that counts. A thousand adventures, relying on the help of Dolly (by day and exhausted from the trip, but never tired of lavish comfort and smiles. Optimistic to the bitter end even in total shit and friend always present) of Miki (we came to 11 pm to take us home! A sister sooo patient with me!), Gigio finally disconnected at the neural level from his handheld, and his relatives who are employed returning the car repaired after two days, we were able to escape from this mess. I love angels in my life! Always there to settle quarrels ...
mica Sorry ... there someone who can suggest something for the pc? No ... huh ?.....
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Blueprints For A Small Quarter Pipe
Viva viva la ...? I remembered differently ...

SMS received yesterday from a friend:
" For Epiphany, remember to put his shoes do not flounder!
Otherwise brings you a dick like last year!
And do not complain to me ... that you are off! "
Remember: you also follow the advice of my good friend Betty e. .. Epiphany to all!
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