bastard this first month of 2007, just arrived in the middle, but that has already given me too much trouble! And if good morning starts in the morning ... Problems with the car, problems with pc (someone tell me why in December and since then periodically after reinstalling the operating system, the computer does not restart one day longer, it will notify the missing or damaged file system config \\ system32 and so on !!!!? ???), problems at home ... Something is missing the call? In the words of Igor in "Young Frankenstein" ... "It could be worse!" for example? "It could start raining !"... Well, I already hear the echo of thunder that I'm not bode well! I had thought I heard on TV and read on some newspaper that my astrological sign, together with that of the Taurus, were the favorites this year! I wonder what would happen if you do not were! Branko at the stake!
Two Sundays ago I went with Gigi at the airport to make Dolly, who was returning from Milan. Gigi thought was a friend of mine, I discovered in fact, be my Igor! Distance from my city to the airport: 70 Km A few meters away from Metro and so there we took the opportunity to go to see the handhelds (Gigio was really sick of having to fight with an old Nokia 3310 which did not take more charge!). Everyone really beautiful! It lacked only one with built-in microwave oven and a helicopter and plenty of choice would be the apex. For a modest expenditure, however, you must send to the traditional ones (you say anything): small computer system with Windows XP, with which you can really do anything. Gigio, dazzled by a handheld color silver, retractable pen, which confirms the availability of time and make their own bookings for the B & B, bought it and if it is unplugged! I'm not trusting an inanimate object that makes me doubt my own free will, I preferred to decline the invitation of the tempter and screaming angry, suspended a few inches on my right shoulder. Distance Metro - Airport: 500 meters. While driving, I trim a song on the radio hip hop bad that I do not like the genre, I did not even want to hear. Gigio has its work cut (!!), in an attempt to understand why if off the handheld this continues unperturbed to report them with three flashing lights of different colors, in order: the presence of the network, and low battery status stadby system ... Machine are virtually alone. To console me I think I shall take advantage to pay more attention to driving. At one point, however, are inevitably distracted by a smell that I feel a sudden, unfamiliar and not too good wishes! But who knows me knows I am obsessed with smell smell anything while I drive and I think the engine that goes up in flames! As I always say "Do you smell that smell? Mica We will not be us!" Gigi: "But nooo! You are always the same, I do not feel anything ... And then they would be on for a few light on the context, no? ". will be spent perhaps 15 seconds from this logical deduction, and here's a nice red wake up from her long sleep and appear to my eyes in disbelief in all its glory and even frightening presence! By now we were in the parking lots of 'airport and I could stop myself. God only knows how much I thanked him for this concession in the middle of the sea of \u200b\u200bshit that I saw already caught between its eddies, along with my car engulfed in flames! desperation I open the hood: I had not even with me a packet of fusilli, otherwise I would have joined the hunger and bad luck in the water that was boiling I should just add salt! It seemed to me to open the door to a sauna so was the white smoke that was freed from somewhere .. . And now? One thousand and two hundred and one questions on all: because the water temperature so high it was not turned on the cooling fan? Why this? Why is that other? Gigio And where is he?? It 's my dearest friend who would let me take the path of reason in this moment of panic and bewilderment! No. He is sitting on the passenger seat to discover the infinite potential and capabilities of its new handheld still reports that the short battery life, but that still is not dead! My self-control but yes he's dead! What prevents my anger to explode is represented only by a sense of utter dejection that permeates every part of my being. Let Sfreddo the engine ... maybe it's just a blown fuse or a flaw (I hope). Gigio Dolly goes to retrieve the domestic arrivals and I'm left to lick the wounds of my suffering child. Shit that's cold! - I think as I wait for their arrival. I almost regret not having gone with him! Meanwhile, they also expose my brain to fusion temperatures to search for a solution to this trouble to 70 miles from home. After some time I see them like a mirage in the desert, come with carrying a white plastic cup ... A cup of coffee ... for me! Gigio kept him, but he had thought about Dolly: I had no doubt about it! Red light off: we leave. We have time to make a few kilometers to 'bitch is back to smile as the IT without a balloon clown, from the instrument panel! We have to stop again as my anathemas now invade the whole district. But here Gigio, reconnect with reality, save the day with a simple phone call. We were stopped once fatally in a strategically valuable: the space in front of the huge stable of a transport company, on the outskirts of a country where he had relatives who could help us out! I, however, for not knowing how to read nor write, had alerted some of my contacts in the phone book, trying to go for broke, just to bring the car home. At one point I found myself surrounded by people who phoned in Speaking by phone with his cousin Gigio who tried to find a mechanic friend of his and the other phone that rang in my pocket. Dolly who spoke with her fiance in Milan and Gigi with her aunt that there was already invited to dine with his " fresh fresh fish soup! At that moment I would go down even a breadstick! After half an hour in the distance we see the tiny figure of the aunt who came to rescue us. In the minutes after, one after the other, I saw fading chances of being helped by some of my contacts: who was not there, who was asleep (it was 22), who was too far away ... Not to leave the car in the road, we managed to reach her aunt's house, which at least would be safe and at the same time, yielding to the insistence of the aunt herself, to put something in the stomach. I had really no desire to eat, but the coffee never say no. Then when I try it with chocolate pandoro ...!!!
It 's true: I did not just Sunday, but the end result that counts. A thousand adventures, relying on the help of Dolly (by day and exhausted from the trip, but never tired of lavish comfort and smiles. Optimistic to the bitter end even in total shit and friend always present) of Miki (we came to 11 pm to take us home! A sister sooo patient with me!), Gigio finally disconnected at the neural level from his handheld, and his relatives who are employed returning the car repaired after two days, we were able to escape from this mess. I love angels in my life! Always there to settle quarrels ...
mica Sorry ... there someone who can suggest something for the pc? No ... huh ?.....
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