A book I've read a few months ago.
A punch in the stomach.
A distance of time helps me to think again and introduced me to a reality 'at all unknown to my occhi.Un reality' we are talking about very little, perhaps because 'it would be too cumbersome to bring to light these terrifying truth '?!?
I grew into a great rage thinking back to what I read and read newspaper articles that talk about these days in Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia.
Anger, 'cause I can not understand how it is possible that in a country like ours, there is reality' as the center of Lampedusa, in no uncertain terms that I would call a real modern concentration camp. Anger 'cause I do not understand how it is possible that the human mind generates a lot of malice towards his neighbor. Anger at seeing men who are killed because they 'believe in a better future and try to build it. Anger 'cause we want to change many things, but where to start?
Fabrizio Gatti definitely has taken the first big step with much courage and is helping us to open our eyes, 'cause after reading this book you can not remain indifferent, to live thinking "they are not me."
I fear that this gigantic stone which 'was launched, there remains' left and with time everything will be forgotten after the initial outcry.
Besides the politicians who represent us all over the world and that would be the only large to disrupt things completely, crippled by problems are much more 'serious. Poor things!
Beyond 'the political beliefs of each of us it seems clear that anyone who really wants to work for the common good is overshadowed by those who, instead, think about their own interests and, unfortunately, this second category, and' much more 'broad.
We are no longer 'hide behind the beautiful mask that we have built, we have a duty to make known this crap that lurks in the heart of Europe hypocrite.
- Review
This review and 'what, my aparer, best sums up what it's about the book and thought that I was raised. I got it from here .
The problem of illegal immigrants we have to close, and yet, for most of the time, it seems so far away. We look at the washer, the "cumprà vu", the worker will almost certainly not in good standing who works in the yard a few steps from our home and our reaction may be a penalty or a disappointment, but we never stop to ask what problems they have pushed to leave their homeland and almost always their family, what difficulties they have experienced to get this far here and which have yet to go on to face each day.
Everyone can have their own idea, certainly worthy of respect, on why and wherefore; someone will think that putting these people where they came from is a simple wash their hands, others will think that this is a legitimate form of self-protection. What is certain however is that in the eyes of almost all these foreigners there is a story of despair, a choice between two fates both high-risk, a mute appeal for help.
Fabrizio Gatti, journalist, left-wing views but little faith in politicians in general, wanted to go deeply into this problem. In person. And it has done on numerous occasions and in different ways, but always with great courage and a relentless desire to talk with people of all types and to document everything that is learned.
The first part of investigation Dakar and follows the route of illegal immigrants through the desert, from Agadez, until Dirkou, "the hell of Dirkou," the place where immigrants stop for days , months, years, hoping to one day continue their journey.
Gatti looks like a "tourist" Italian who wants to make "the journey of his life crossing the desert, on routes that can not be followed using the usual travel agencies.
In his path know people from different countries, make friends, traveling in trucks packed under hygienic conditions at the edge of survival, is in contact with people of great humanity and with others which have not the slightest scruple.
stories of families left at home and almost impossible to contact, country at war where civilians are being decimated and looted their homes and hope for a better future collide with the reality of the dangerous desert dell'attraversare , where a flat tire can be fatal beatings and extortion by officials at each checkpoint, the enormous difficulties facing the danger of embarking on the sea.
returned to Italy, Cats received several e-mails from two friends Liberians, who recount their difficulties in leaving Africa, despite having all the proper papers and even an official invitation to attend a conference in Slovenia.
His participation in the sufferings of former companions and his thirst for truth lead him to continue his investigation.
turned-Bilal, clandestine Kurdish origin, you shut up immigration center in Lampedusa, where he discovered the inhuman conditions in which illegal immigrants were held and treatment they receive from agents, but also the fact that those who are released, although it is indicated that they must leave Italy within 10 days, not really suffer no control and can disappear.
The next part of the investigation, still in the role of Bilal, this time of the Apulian countryside for the tomato harvest, leading to the discovery of the existence of a network of exploitation of illegal immigrants who flouts the law, even the use as a deterrent to keep their power who knows that if you returned to your country would rebel.
Finally Gatti returns to Dirkou and discovers that the "crackdown" immigration from Libya to Italy has changed the situation and forced a tremendous number of immigrants forced to stay without possibility of release.
His friends Liberians finally able to hug their families, giving up his dream of emigration, but those who have been lucky like them?
You may not agree with the political position of Cats, you may even be irritated by his vitriolic criticism of the various government officials, but certainly true and an investigation shocking as this can not possibly remain indifferent. Beyond the various opinions and research of guilt and responsibility, awareness of what is happening and personal reflection, as well as any discussions, which will start by reading this book, however, represent an opportunity for open-mindedness and enrichment staff. And maybe next time we will look with different eyes the window washers at traffic lights.
- Excerpts
Dirkou. "It is a green strip across ocher dunes. Dirkou, the oasis of slaves, he is squatting out of sight, beneath a wall of mountains flat. The color of the clay paints houses rose. The rest is a world of sand. It seems to land. For half an hour you get off the side of a giant dune. The truck turns left and goes into a patch of desert enclosed by poles and wire. Others come armed soldiers. They shout orders incomprehensible, perhaps in Hausa. Passengers must first kneel down on the sand and get your hands on your head. Just do like them. We are aligned in five rows in front of the truck. Daniel and Stephen kneel in a row next. They face distorted, emaciated, covered with dust. No one speaks. A soldier requires three boys to follow him inside a small shack. Start Over robbery. The whistle blows and the lament of the three breaks the silence. The hiss above. It is the characteristic of rubber tubes and the large cables used as whips. Do not throw anything away in the Sahara. Their breath through the air like a brush to put there a more effective design. Close your eyes. Aspects of the final thud and just made that lament. "
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