Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Waxing With A Hemorrhoid

"E 'generation that is corrupt, is sick, that must be wiped out, I do not know What I do not know who would know .... or better but never mind ...

hope I do not hear in his words, a teacher ..

"The hope, of which you speak, is a trap, is a bad word it should no longer use.

Hope is a trap devised by the owners, the hope is that those who say that God was good .., you're good, shut up, pray .. you have your own, your reward in the afterlife .. .. so now you are good, you go home. Now, yes, you're so insecure but two or three months will give you a place to summarize again, etc. .. go home and they're all good, you have hope.

Never have hope! Hope is a trap! It 's a vile thing, invented by those in power

And how this movie ends up master?

Eh .... I do not know how it ends ... .. But I hope it ends in a kind of ... that in Italy there has never been a better hit a good revolution, there has never been in Italy. There was in England, there was in France, there was Russia, Germany, everywhere except in Italy.

It takes something that people who purchase this subject has always been 300 years .. that is the slave of all.

And then if he wants to redeem the ransom is not a simple thing, is painful and requires sacrifices, if not go to hell .. how is it going to be now three generations. "

M. Monicelli

"Hope, the quintessential human delusion and at the same time the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness "

the architetto_The Matrix


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