My God, how much time is going fast! I can not believe my eyes, but the calendar does not lie: it is also finished in 2008! But where have I been all this time? I take more and more conscious of the fact that they passed, were years of starvation. Noia nth degree that is clinging to me like a parasite. I can not determine with absolute certainty whether depressive long proven that sense, has left more space to the tranquility of the heart than they had before, or is it just waiting to go dormant as the living dead from its crypt. Maybe I am regressing to a state of unconsciousness of the surroundings at all ... indeed! I mean even further around!
How have long understood the people who pass by here, I update this blog with so little consistency to make it appear that I do not care that much to do. I will tell you, it's the opposite but, as noted repeatedly, time and desire can not agree among themselves. And so again this year came to an end and some people have called me on the run on the network. Be ', are not at all disappointed by that reputation is the result proportional to real life, because, as the commitments it has increased, the less I had the opportunity to devote myself to the virtual one. Without neglecting the human relations existing course!
Truth: have changed a lot 'of things, but I'm still the same. And even that has not changed this condition of things, actually, a little 'annoys me even if only at the very moment in which I was referring to follow and in 5 minutes, then ... is absolutely abandoned. Some people know me very well and is in fact my friend / a. Many other / and turn out to be mere knowledge, those who know at some point in your life you've crossed by mistake or by chance, who knows well that coincidence of events and places, and do not even remember why ask them to greet the road ? Behold them. They are not part of the very limited, fantastic group of people worthy of the title of Friend, are knowledge. Then there are those s that are not part of either of these categories just described, let alone the first. They are the ones which you can not imagine existed. I do not know and I do not care how many of these people continue to talk but also gossiping about me (which account then?), Or what I do or not do. I remember the question instead of those mentioned most often in moments of words heard and reported is always: " But why not make their dicks ?". Who reads me forgive the lapse into the vernacular: not my usual kind of expressions (at least in writing!). Please, if you are aware of what kinds this bad habit and old everywhere reigning gossip, make me partaker of your knowledge! Open up your eyes to a reality so incomprehensible to me! What is the unknown factor that tends to be interested in the facts which do not form an integral part of their lives, but that paradoxically even responding to the reality of someone else as strange? Without going far, one morning last week, a girl went in the office where I work for a practice, he noticed that tally with the name and address be the same as I remembered my cute classmate lost sight, I took the liberty to ask whether there was relationship between them. The answer was not long to wait for even a second, "Yes, is my brother and you Tal De 'Tali, you are the ex of ***, and you live at this address, even if the first garment in your address at others. " I was stunned (and also a bit 'scared!) For all the preparation has been demonstrated by this girl (again, totally unknown to me!) On my data, my personal life and even on my address, past and present (as I pay rent, no?). Now, if there is even one person in the world, as this girl has just demonstrated, can preserve the memory of others and cataloging of facts, figures and movements (and who knows what else?) As would a large-scale computers Digos, what doth hinder me to assume (and rightly so) that the conviction of people so there will plenty of them? The question remains unchanged and increasingly motivated: why?
Now that I reflect on better ... maybe it was fortunate that affect only send a greeting to my old school, I did not have asked for anything else on your own! He could have arbitrarily inquire about the date of my ascension to the world the most!
Then he says that one becomes paranoid!
How have long understood the people who pass by here, I update this blog with so little consistency to make it appear that I do not care that much to do. I will tell you, it's the opposite but, as noted repeatedly, time and desire can not agree among themselves. And so again this year came to an end and some people have called me on the run on the network. Be ', are not at all disappointed by that reputation is the result proportional to real life, because, as the commitments it has increased, the less I had the opportunity to devote myself to the virtual one. Without neglecting the human relations existing course!
Truth: have changed a lot 'of things, but I'm still the same. And even that has not changed this condition of things, actually, a little 'annoys me even if only at the very moment in which I was referring to follow and in 5 minutes, then ... is absolutely abandoned. Some people know me very well and is in fact my friend / a. Many other / and turn out to be mere knowledge, those who know at some point in your life you've crossed by mistake or by chance, who knows well that coincidence of events and places, and do not even remember why ask them to greet the road ? Behold them. They are not part of the very limited, fantastic group of people worthy of the title of Friend, are knowledge. Then there are those s that are not part of either of these categories just described, let alone the first. They are the ones which you can not imagine existed. I do not know and I do not care how many of these people continue to talk but also gossiping about me (which account then?), Or what I do or not do. I remember the question instead of those mentioned most often in moments of words heard and reported is always: " But why not make their dicks ?". Who reads me forgive the lapse into the vernacular: not my usual kind of expressions (at least in writing!). Please, if you are aware of what kinds this bad habit and old everywhere reigning gossip, make me partaker of your knowledge! Open up your eyes to a reality so incomprehensible to me! What is the unknown factor that tends to be interested in the facts which do not form an integral part of their lives, but that paradoxically even responding to the reality of someone else as strange? Without going far, one morning last week, a girl went in the office where I work for a practice, he noticed that tally with the name and address be the same as I remembered my cute classmate lost sight, I took the liberty to ask whether there was relationship between them. The answer was not long to wait for even a second, "Yes, is my brother and you Tal De 'Tali, you are the ex of ***, and you live at this address, even if the first garment in your address at others. " I was stunned (and also a bit 'scared!) For all the preparation has been demonstrated by this girl (again, totally unknown to me!) On my data, my personal life and even on my address, past and present (as I pay rent, no?). Now, if there is even one person in the world, as this girl has just demonstrated, can preserve the memory of others and cataloging of facts, figures and movements (and who knows what else?) As would a large-scale computers Digos, what doth hinder me to assume (and rightly so) that the conviction of people so there will plenty of them? The question remains unchanged and increasingly motivated: why?
Now that I reflect on better ... maybe it was fortunate that affect only send a greeting to my old school, I did not have asked for anything else on your own! He could have arbitrarily inquire about the date of my ascension to the world the most!
Then he says that one becomes paranoid!
Good Year's everyone!