Some say with absolute certainty never dream of the night. The reality is that we often do not remember those dreams. I do not happen often, in the morning, on waking, to remember what I dreamed. It happens more often to see the images during the day, that call to my memory parts or even an entire dream. It 'happened today. This morning in the office passed a guy who had not seen for some time. I was very glad to hear, happy, give me the news that a few months became a father. It 'was an immediate flashback ... I saw my dream last night and in all honesty, I was troubled a bit'. I was in a quiet room, with a large window from which came a great light, white, beautiful and hot, is filtered by a huge canvas tent in full view, but meshed. I was dozing in her arms a baby: was my son. I kept with care and attention. I saw his eyes open occasionally, and immediately close again, as sincere in wanting to still be safe and just to mention a brief smile. It was a beautiful baby and sent me an immense joy and harmony. The special but I immediately recalled with absolute clarity, that was crying for joy. I felt the tears on her face! And I smiled. I was calm and completely immersed in my happiness. The sweet creature that I held in my arms, in need of protection and safety, it was my son. I had no questions about how and when ... I was just father. It was a dream, but it was very real. I stayed awake a question: why?