10:20 - The Deputy Assistant Secretary Udeur Antonio Satta announces that Mastella is coming to Rome to be present in the Senate, voted against confirming. Satta denies the newspapers wrote that the group meeting would Udeur yesterday expressed "no confidence against the parent Fabris.
10:35 - For the Udeur leader in the Senate, Tommaso Barbato, is "false and defamatory" un'illazione print that would have him ready to desert the chair of the Senate and added: "We will go in the classroom and will vote no. Do not we move an inch. "
10:40 - Prodi at the Quirinale salt for a 45-minute interview with Napolitano. "I talked to the president - Prodi announced - will go to the Senate at 15."
11:35 - "I'm thinking, I have not decided either one way or another," says Nuccio Cusumano, one of three senators Udeur.
12:50 - Barbato announces that "Despite the poor health due to a slight indisposition" Mastella is "reaching Rome accompanied by a doctor."
14:00 - The vote of confidence in the Senate, the deputy secretary of the Pd Dario Franceschini, "will make clear to all Italians in front of the choice of those who, like us, keep the covenant made with the Italians and support for Prodi and who for one reason or another, he changed his mind and betrayed the pact. "
15:00 - "My vote will be opposed," said Senator Lamberto Dini on his arrival at Palazzo Madama.
15:02 - Start the session by the Senate. Crowded the benches of the government. Prodi speaks for 10 minutes without being interrupted, saying that those who want to topple the government must take responsibility, because "no one can escape the obligation to indicate what other government majority, program intends to introduce "and warns that" stop the experience of this government is a luxury that Italy can not afford. "
15:10 - The National Alliance leader Gianfranco Fini at Palazzo Grazioli for a meeting with Silvio Berlusconi, leader Forza Italy.
15:50 - The sen. Nuccio Cusumano (UDEUR) says in court that vote of confidence in the Prodi government. The leader Udeur Barbato attacks him with insults, including "horned and queer." Cusumano is captured by a illness and taken away on stretchers.
17:45 - The Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, he began his reply in the Senate. "I'm here - he says - because every crisis must be addressed openly and not in the corridors" . The appointed place - add - Is the Parliament, within the representation of all citizens. "Prodi also saddles
CDL with" an amendment to the electoral law made in haste, "the responsibility to have" prevented "by the majority to get a more consistent "majority voting".
17:50 - With crutches and a wheelchair, also arrives in the Senate Senator Forza Italy Guido May.
18:05 - Franco Turigliatto, Left criticism, confirms its no "for consistency" after the "Protocol on welfare, the Finance Act, Vicenza and military missions."
18:10 - The sen. Domenico Fisichella is not clear how to vote. "I will behave - he says - like the other senators who have resigned."
18:13 - The Democratic Union - says Roberto Manzione - vote of confidence in the government. Manzione Veltroni critical to have suggested to go it alone in elections.
18:20 - Clemente Mastella cites the poem "slowly dying" of Neruda and says that the majority no longer exists "in fact and in terms of numbers," applauded by the opposition.
18:25 - Dini confirms: "we will not vote of confidence in the government." However, the different positions of the three Liberal Democrats: Dini will vote no, Scalera will abstain in the classroom, D'Amico will vote yes.
18:28 - Cossiga: "confidence rating for sense of responsibility" but better "if he went to the Quirinale Prodi before the vote."
19:20 - For the parent company of League Roberto Castelli "Prodi is in the Senate for his latest challenge in the national interest but to eat his final revenge in a scene from 'Night of Long Knives' in the extreme and unrealistic attempt to poison the wells of the center" .
20:00 - The national leadership Udeur expels senator Nuccio Cusumano "unworthiness for politics."
20:00 - In the Senate begin the voting process.
20:33 - The voting ends. The Senate denies its confidence in the Prodi government with 156 yes, 161 no and one abstention. Three senators (Pallaro, Pininfarina and Andreotti) did not participate in the vote.
20:57 - Here comes the news that closes the day: Prodi to resign at the Quirinale government.
(Source: Reuters)